Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Where was I?

So much has happened since the last post on this blog. Barack Obama has been reelected. Popes have gone and come. Homosexers can now get married. And it seems racism is not a factor when it comes to voting. How are the boys of the right wing doing? Not well, it seems. America is changing. The dark people, the colored are more numerous than before. Every day America becomes a little less white and the boys are a little more scared. Their fear and paranoia rage out of control They had a moment when SCOTUS found the VRA unconstitutional. Chests puffed and swaggering like white men of old, they talked about how "their guys" took "care of business". Sadly for them SCOTUS "let them down" by deciding against DOMA and Prop 8. The reelection of President Obama was a shock to them. They were staggered by it. The right-wing noise machine had assured them of a Romney victory and they could not believe what had happened. The "infinite wisdom of the American people" was replaced by "those assholes who voted for that Kenyan". Yup, that's ma' boys.

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